Reconocen iniciativa de Roberto Bustamante para crear Día del periodista Hispano

Alcaldesa de Perth Amboy reconoce su labor en la comunidad y periodismo


El periodista peruano Roberto Bustamante, colaborador de AhoraNews, fue premiado por el municipio de Perth Amboy por su apoyo a la comunidad y su iniciativa de promover la unidad de los periodistas hispanos y lograr que la legislatura del Estado de New Jersey declare en septiembre de cada año el Día del Periodista Hispano

La alcaldesa de la ciudad de Perth Amboy Wilda Díaz a través del administrador de la ciudad Adam Cruz, Roxana Troche, directora UEZ, Barry Rosengarten, Presidente del Business Improvement District y Bert Baron, de la radio WCTC 1450, hicieron entrega del reconocimiento a Bustamante durante la Mesa Redonda con la Prensa (Meet the Press) efectuada en el Raritan Yatch Club en Perth Amboy.

La creación del Día del Periodista Hispano en New Jersey es una iniciativa de hace más de una década del periodista Bustamante que marcó una fecha histórica en el periodismo cuando la legislatura estatal aprobó la respectiva legislación el 15 de septiembre de 2016, en la que se reconoce cada 20 de septiembre como el Día del Periodista. La Asociación Nacional de Periodistas Hispanos (NAHJ) Capítulo de New Jersey al cual pertenece Bustamante, brindó su apoyo en esta gestión.

“Hoy, estoy empeñado en que se declare el Día del Periodista a nivel nacional y pido el apoyo de todos mis colegas periodistas”, indicó Bustamante.

Bustamante, cuenta con larga experiencia en periodismo y consultor en medios hispanos. Es graduado en educación, periodismo y relaciones públicas, y posee una Maestría en Ciencias Sociales en la Universidad Long Island en Nueva York y una segunda Maestría en Asuntos Globales en la Universidad Rutgers. En mérito a sus servicios a la comunidad, Bustamante fue distinguido con el grado de Doctor Honoris Causa por Essex County College en la ciudad de Newark, New Jersey.

Roberto J. Bustamante and his 15 reasons to support the creation of the National Hispanic Journalist Day each September 20.

1-I firmly believe in the unity of the U.S. Hispanic journalists. By this principle I became an active member of the National Association of Hispanic Journalist NAHJ in 1999.


2-I firmly believe in fighting to eliminate social barriers and discrimination among the Latino community and professionals related to the U.S. Hispanic media industry.


3. I firmly believe in the defense of freedom of thought and freedom of the press that enhances the human spirit for a free world.


4-I also believe in the need to work together and recognize the legacy of Hispanic journalists, since it was California Chicano News Media Association who has been the seed of the formation of NAHJ.


5-I believe in a national association whose elected officials defend the initiatives and opinions of its members that inspire unity, not disunity, solidarity, not injustice, professional integrity, not mediocrity.


6. I truly believe that it’s time to work and rescue the good image of the Hispanic professionals in social communications with vision of the future.


6-I believe in my vision, my convictions and commitment as a Hispanic journalist. For those reasons, more than a decade ago I began a nationwide crusade to recognize the national Hispanic Journalist Day. The first conversation about this point was with a talented and distinguished journalist Cecilia Alvear, NAHJ National president (2000-2002), who passed in April of this year.


7-I firmly believe that solidarity opens doors for integration, which I have demonstrated in 2016, in the State of New Jersey, by managing and working together with New Jersey President Chapter Manuel Avendano and its members. New Jersey Senate approved a resolution in Trenton on September 15, 2016, which recognizes every 20th  of September as the Hispanic Journalist Day throughout New Jersey.


8-I firmly believe in the promise made to us to support a nationwide effort by currently NAHJ National president Brandon A. Benavides, during his first visit  to New Jersey when we got a dinner at local Newark restaurant, with the New Jersey Chapter officials on December 11, 2016, attended by President Avendaño, Alejandro Román, Vice-President; Roxana Cedeño, Secretary; Any OlivaTreasurer and Roberto Bustamante, Chapter advisor.


9 –As an active NAHJ member since 1999 and a currentlyNew Jersey Chapter official, I would like to pledge to president Brandon to stand up with us and take action in this historic initiative so that this September of 2017, we can celebrate the 1st National Hispanic Journalist Day.


10-I believe that these facts in the eyes of all, commits us to go further. We need to work and seek a global unity among communication professionals-including cyber social media and to aspire of the creation and recognition of the WORLD JOURNALIST’S DAY.

11-I firmly believe in freedom of information, the exercise of the profession of journalist with human dignity, solidarity among colleagues and the defense of democracy;


12-I firmly believe that, in the United States, where we are living and working, President Trump’s attacks on the media are extremely dangerous messages and violate Press Freedom and the integrity of national and foreign journalists.


13-U.S. journalists still do not have a federal «shield law» that guarantees their right not to disclose confidential information about their work and the right to protect their sources, according to the report by Reporters Without Borders. (2017)


14. Finally, I believe that a new generation of Latino journalists who are gaining experience in the Hispanic and non-Hispanic media, deserve the legacy of celebrating each year the National Hispanic journalist Day.


15- Finally, I truly believe in the words of the thinker, politician, jurist and French historian Alexis de Tocqueville, when he was talking about democracy in the United States: «The habit of inattention should be considered the greatest democratic vice.»


May, 2017


Roberto J. Bustamante

NAHJ Register 10645 since 1999.

[email protected]

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