Provider Releif Fund Portal Remains open until november 6


Following up on my recent email message regarding the Provider Relief Fund set to expire on Nov. 6, 2020.  I encourage you to read below and consider applying for this one-time funding support. 

Fewer than 10,000 behavioral health providers have sought payment from the COVID-19 relief Provider Relief Portal, even though the current tranche of cash is available to providers even if they are not Medicaid- or Medicare-enrolled. A behavioral health provider may access the money in the portal even if he/she/it bills private insurance, works for an enrolled provider but is not himself/herself enrolled in Medicaid or Medicare or if the provider directly bills clients for private pay.

That total number of behavioral health applicants includes behavioral health providers paid in the previous two tranches — to Medicare-enrolled providers and Medicaid-enrolled providers.

Providers are eligible for up to 2% of their previous year’s revenues to offset uncompensated care and lost revenues. The failure of behavioral health providers to access this «free money»–it does not have to be paid back unless you are subsequently unable to document need– could make it far less likely that future requests to Congress for assistance from our field will be met with new funding.

Please let the providers in your states know they can still access the Provider Relief Portal until November 6. Yes, there are some reporting and paperwork requirements, but the application process has been simplified for this last bite at the apple.

The link to apply is HERE. There is a fact sheet that can be downloaded, as well as the PDF of a previous webinar and a previously recorded webcast on how to apply.

Finally, providers can also register for one last webcast, scheduled for November 2, at 3 p.m. ET.



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